Category Archives: Classifieds

EBR/PCA Social Media Guidelines


Revised 2024


The Eastern Buckeye Region (EBR) of the Porsche Club of America (PCA) social media accounts are designed to promote activities of interest to the Regional Club membership and to further the enjoyment of PCA participation. Moderators and participants are to remember that participation on social media is a public representation of themselves, the Eastern Buckeye Region, PCA and the Porsche marque.


  • All social media accounts created by, for, or on behalf of the Eastern Buckeye Region of the Porsche Club of America are the sole property of the Region.
  • All social media accounts created by, for, or on behalf of the Eastern Buckeye Region of the Porsche Club of America shall be transferable from one social media chair to the next.
  • All passwords to social media accounts are the sole property of the Eastern Buckeye Region of the Porsche Club of America. Those entrusted with the passwords are considered account “moderators”. Passwords should only be given to region members, upon approval by the Region Board of Directors.


  • Moderators shall regularly update the Region’s social media accounts.
  • Participants are invited to share photos, discuss and comment on topics of general interest to PCA members, including PCA activities and Porsche cars.
  • Social media accounts should not publicly post any person’s private information, including home address, telephone numbers, or date of birth.
  • All messages and postings by participants must include the full name (first and last) of the posting individual.
  • The Region may establish reasonable restrictions on length, style, and frequency of messages.
  • The Region Social Media accounts and their participants will adhere to the PCA Code of Ethics and Conduct, as follows:

The following types of messages or postings are not permitted:

  • Those that contain offensive, abusive, harassing, disrespectful, defamatory, obscene or otherwise unsuitable language.
  • Those that are personal attacks, demeaning, derogatory or could be construed as slanderous in nature of any individual.
  • Those that disparage any product, company or individual.
  • Those that are divisive in nature (e.g. religion, politics, social issues, etc.)
  • Those that the Region or the PCA Executive Council and Board of Directors deem harmful to the National Organization, any Zone, Region or individual Classified Advertisements

Classified Advertisements:

  • Participants may not post advertisements on behalf of their business, company or third party without board approval.
  • Classified advertisements by PCA members are allowed for the sale of or in search of Porsche or PCA-related items. Classified advertisements may not be placed for services. Members are not allowed to post the same ad more than once. Members posting classified ads should not “bump” their own posts. All “For Sale” ads must clearly list the asking price. Once an item has sold, members should mark their original posting as such, or delete it.
  • The Region is not responsible for the successfulness of any sale or transaction of any type. The Region moderators will not answer any questions from potential buyers about classified advertisements. The Region will delete any classified ad that does not conform to these rules.
  • Participants may not post advertisements on behalf of their business, company or third party.


  • The Region will not endorse or comment upon services on its social media site. The Region will not entertain or allow its membership to discuss the quality of services of any business, person, or entity supporting the Club or its membership.

Posting Information from Other Sources 

  • When posting information from other sources, all users must ensure that they have permission from the author, photographer, or source to do so. Such postings should credit the author, photographer or source, and should include the source’s copyright notice if required.


  • Violations of this policy will be determined by the Regional Club Board of Directors.
  • Messages or posts in violation of this policy may be edited or removed to ensure that they adhere to posting standards.
  • Members who violate this policy will be given a warning. Repeat offenders may be denied access to the Region’s social media accounts upon a majority vote of the Regional Club’s Board of Directors.

Want to Buy 997

Help a car find a new owner.  If you know of a car or are looking to make a change, contact Harry.

Car Wanted:  911 2005 or newer Carrera S (997)

Coupe or Cab, 6 speed manual

50k miles or less

Price $35-39,000 range

Contact:  Harry Bindreiter

Phone: (330) 571-2172
