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NORPCA 2024 Autocross Series Schedule

2024 NORPCA Autocross Series

Like the swallows to Capastrano and the Buzzards to Hinkley, the Cones are returning to Northern Ohio in 2024. Welcome to John and Doug’s Farewell Tour Circa 2024.

We have secured 4 dates as follows for events at the Classic Stadium parking lot in Eastlake and the IX Center in Berea:

May 18 – IX Center

July 14 – IX Center

Aug 11 – Eastlake

Sept 22 – Eastlake

General time schedule for events is from 9 AM to about 3 PM, dependent on number of entrants.

All registration and event payment will be handled thru, same as last year. You can get steps for this process from the site or online at The Voices From The Trunk site. More info will follow before each event.

These events are designed for the beginner as well as the experienced autocrossers. We set up a course on a large parking lot with traffic cones. Your time to negotiate the course is how you rank with the others. All of this is done in a safe and fun environment.  Your Porsche was designed to have this fun. We have people there that are willing to help out newbies and get you in the swing of things and enjoying your day.

So come out and participate with your other NORPCA members in some outside activity enjoying an Ohio summer.

Any questions contact: John Hulick or Doug Bradley

Election of Officers is Now Open

An election for officers is now open. An email was sent to members with a link to the ballot form. If you did not receive the link to the ballot, you may request a ballot link from Mary Ann Delagrange at

Please complete and submit the ballot on or before January 6, 2024.

All current EBR/PCA officers on the current ballot will be at their term limit on December 31, 2026. If you are interested in becoming more involved or holding a position in the future as an EBR/PCA board member, chairperson or elected officer, please consider attending an EBR business meeting or notify a board member.